Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Really Grinds My Gears - 2

You know what really grinds my gears - people on escalators.

First there is a line up of people waiting to get on the escalator. Most people understand the rule "walk left, stand right" so this line up is for the right. Why not just walk on the left? Are you that lazy that you have to wait to get on the escalator?

Then there are those who don't follow the rule of "walk left, stand right" and they just stand wherever they feel like it. See now this pisses me off because I'm trying to encourage people to walk up the escalators and they can't do that if you're in the way.

But what I hate most about escalator people is those who have to wait a few seconds before making the big leap to that first step. What are they waiting for? You see them walk at full speed to get to the escalator and then just stop. It's like they're trying to judge which step to get on. Just get on! if you happen to step halfway between two steps then take that extra step once you are on. It takes a minute before the escalator starts to escalate so it's not like you're going to fall.

C'mon... You can do it...


Anonymous said...

Or you could just be less lazy and actually use the stairs... ;-)

Jac Star said...
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Jac Star said...

See but I'm referring to places that have escalators going only in one direction and stairs are for those going in the opposite direction. Cuz that pisses me off too when I have to use the stairs to go up because escalators are only going down but yet there are so many people taking the stairs down that I can't walk up! that's just not fair - how else am I going to get up?

Anonymous said...

You would NOT want to be behind me getting on the escalator then! I hate those things!

When I was small, my mom got on in front of me. I got one leg on, but for some reason decided not to put the other on...so the escalator was going up with my one leg while my other foot was still on the floor - and I wouldn't move.

I cried for my mom but she was halfway up the thing so some strange man came and rescued me - I've been traumatized since ...

And I hate that first step :-)

Jac Star said...

LOL - I don't mean to laugh but that's actually kinda funny. I got stuck on an escalator once. I was with a bunch of friends and I thought it would be cool to sit and wait for my ride up. I got to the top and my poncho got stuck. It took a very muscular friend to rip me out of there. The poncho suffered minimal damage LOL

Danny Brown said...

Know what else grinds my gears? People neglecting their blogs... ;-)